Natural population growth equals. Formula for natural population growth


(natural increase) The difference between the number of births and deaths in a certain population group during a certain period. In order to know whether this population group is increasing or decreasing in size, you also need to know migration - the difference between emigration and immigration.

Business. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "Ves Mir". Graham Betts, Barry Brindley, S. Williams and others. General editor: Ph.D. Osadchaya I.M.. 1998 .

See what “NATURAL GROWTH” is in other dictionaries:

    Population is the excess of birth rates over deaths, that is, the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths over a certain period of time. It serves as the most general characteristic of the intensity of population growth, usually measured ... ... Wikipedia

    NATURAL GROWTH- the difference between the crude birth and death rates. Can be expressed as a percentage. Ecological Dictionary, 2001 Natural increase is the difference between crude birth and death rates. Can be expressed as a percentage... Ecological dictionary

    natural increase- natūralusis prieaugis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Skirtumas tarp gimusių gyvų individų ir mirusių individų skaičiaus. atitikmenys: engl. natural increase of population vok. naturall Nachwuchs, m rus. natural growth... Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

    natural population growth- Population growth in a given region due to the excess of birth rates over deaths... Dictionary of Geography

    The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths during a certain period. It serves as the most general characteristic of the intensity of population growth, usually measured by the coefficient of natural population growth per 1000 inhabitants per year... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    English natural growth; German Bevolkerungwachst, naturliches. In demography, the rate of population growth, calculated by the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths per 1000 inhabitants per year. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths during a certain period. It serves as the most general characteristic of the intensity of population growth, usually measured by the rate of natural population growth per 1000 inhabitants per year. Political... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Natural increase (decrease) of population- the difference between the numbers of births and deaths... Source: DECREE of the Moscow Government dated June 28, 2005 N 482 PP ON THE CONCEPT OF DEMOGRAPHIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW... Official terminology

    The table presents a list of subjects of the Russian Federation, sorted by natural population growth (descending, that is, from the highest rate of natural increase to the smallest, to the highest rate of natural... ... Wikipedia

    The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths during a certain period. It serves as the most general characteristic of the intensity of population growth, usually measured by the rate of natural population growth per 1000 inhabitants per year. * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Socio-economic geography of the Euro-Atlantic region. Textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree, Solodovnikov A.Yu.. The textbook presents a regional and regional description of the Euro-Atlantic region, which includes Foreign Europe with its most developed countries, as well as Northern...
  • Socio-economic geography of the Euro-Atlantic region, 2nd ed., trans. and additional Textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree, Alexander Yuryevich Solodovnikov. The textbook presents a regional and country-specific description of the Euro-Atlantic region, which includes Foreign Europe with its most developed countries, as well as Northern...

Natural population movement is the change in population as a result of births and deaths.

The study of natural movement is carried out using absolute and relative indicators.

Absolute indicators

1. Number of births during the period(R)

2. Number of deaths during the period(U)

3. Natural increase (loss) population, which is defined as the difference between the number of births and deaths during the period: EP = P - U

Relative indicators

Among the indicators of population movement are: birth rate, death rate, natural increase rate and vitality rate.

All coefficients, except the vitality coefficient, are calculated in per mille, i.e. per 1000 population, and the vitality coefficient is determined as a percentage (i.e. per 100 population).

Total fertility rate

Shows how many people are born during a calendar year on average for every 1000 people in the current population

Overall mortality rate

Shows how many people die during a calendar year on average for every 1000 people in the current population and is determined by the formula:

Mortality rate in Russia (number of deaths per 1000 population) from 11.2 ppm in 1990 increased to 15.2 in 2006, and the birth rate decreased accordingly from 13.4 to 10.4 ppm in 2006.

High mortality is associated with a stable trend of increasing morbidity. In comparison, our ailments become chronic for 15-20 years. Hence mass disability and premature mortality.

Natural increase rate

Shows the amount of natural population growth (decrease) during a calendar year on average per 1000 people of the current population and is calculated in two ways:

Vitality factor

Shows the relationship between fertility and mortality, characterizes population reproduction. If the Vitality Coefficient is less than 100%, then the population of the region dies out; if it is above 100%, then the population increases. This coefficient is determined in two ways:

Special indicators

In demographic statistics, in addition to general coefficients, special indicators are also calculated:

Marriage rate

Shows how many marriages occur per 1000 people during a calendar year.

Marriage rate = (number of persons married / average annual population)*1000

Divorce rate

Shows how many divorces occur per thousand of the population during a calendar year. For example, in 2000 in Russia there were 6.2 marriages and 4.3 divorces for every 1000 people.

Divorce rate = (number of persons divorced per year / average annual population) * 1000

Infant death rate

It is calculated as the sum of two components (in ppm).

  • The first is the ratio of the number of deaths under the age of one year from the generation born in this year, for which the coefficient is calculated, to the total number of births in this year.
  • The second is the ratio of the number of deaths under the age of one year from the generation born in the previous year to the total number of births in the previous year.

In 2000, this figure in our country was 15.3‰.

To infant mortality = (number of children who died under the age of 1 year / number of live births per year) * 1000

Age-specific birth rate

Shows the number of births on average per 1000 women of each age group

Special birth rate (fertility) rate

Shows the average number of births per 1000 women aged 15 to 49 years.

Age-specific mortality rate

Shows the average number of deaths per 1000 people in a given age group.

Total fertility rate

Depends on the age composition of the population and shows how many children, on average, one woman would give birth to during her life if the existing birth rate were maintained at each age.

Life expectancy at birth

One of the most important indicators calculated internationally. It shows the number of years that, on average, a person from the generation born would have to live, provided that throughout the life of this generation, age-sex mortality remains at the level of the year for which this indicator was calculated. It is calculated by compiling and analyzing mortality tables, in which the number of survivors and deaths is calculated for each generation.

Life expectancy at birth in 2000 in Russia was 65.3 years, including 59.0 for men; for women - 72.2 years.

Population reproduction efficiency coefficient

Shows the share of natural increase in the total population turnover

Population growth

see Population.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what “Population growth” is in other dictionaries:

    population growth- Change in the number of population in any territory as a whole over a certain period of time. Syn.: natural population movement... Dictionary of Geography

    POPULATION GROWTH Glossary of terms on social statistics

    POPULATION GROWTH- the difference between the population at the end and at the beginning of the period. Total population growth includes natural and migration population growth... Social statistics. Dictionary

    The table presents a list of subjects of the Russian Federation, sorted by natural population growth (descending, that is, from the highest rate of natural increase to the smallest, to the highest rate of natural... ... Wikipedia

    TOTAL POPULATION GROWTH- TOTAL POPULATION GROWTH, the difference in the number of us. at the beginning and end of the definition. time interval (ΔPtotal = P1 P0). Expressed in absolute numbers, maybe positive. and deny. For territorial with unchanged boundaries O. p.n. equal to the sum... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    natural population growth- Population growth in a given region due to the excess of birth rates over deaths... Dictionary of Geography

    mechanical population growth- Population growth in a given region due to migration... Dictionary of Geography

    The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths during a certain period. It serves as the most general characteristic of the intensity of population growth, usually measured by the rate of natural population growth per 1000 inhabitants per year. * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    ZERO POPULATION GROWTH- a demographic theory that defends the need and tries to justify the possibility of maintaining a constant size (cessation of growth) of the population in connection with general birth control. According to this theory, in all countries the coefficient... ... Ecological dictionary

    The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths during a certain period. It serves as the most general characteristic of the intensity of population growth, usually measured by the coefficient of natural population growth per 1000 inhabitants per year... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Countries and peoples of the world
  • Countries and peoples of the world. This directory contains the following information about modern countries of the world: the official name of the country, state flag, geographical location, borders and surrounding seas,…


What indicators characterize the population of the territory?

Natural indicators of the population: birth rate, death rate, age groups.

Mechanical indicators: migration (internal, external).

National and religious composition, level of urbanization, type of reproduction, level of income, unemployment.

2. Question

What is the population growth rate in Russia?

The growth rate in Russia is low, only in 2013. natural population growth was recorded, in contrast to previous years, when only population decline was recorded.

3. Question

How did the population of Russia change at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century?

The population of Russia at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. changed towards decrease.

4. Question

What determines the population of a territory?

The population of a territory depends on climatic conditions, the economic development of the territory, and the traditions of the peoples living in the territory.


Why are different regions of the world characterized by different types of population reproduction?

The type of population reproduction is largely determined by national traditions, climatic conditions, the level of economic development of the territory of residence, and the level of education of the population.

For example, in the republics of the North Caucasus there is still a Traditional type of population reproduction, and in the Central Federal District there is a Modern type of population reproduction.


The difference between births and deaths is called natural population growth

Calculation of natural increase with reference to demographic indicators can be calculated using the formula:

where Pep is the rate of natural increase (%o), P is the birth rate, C is the mortality rate, N is the country’s population (persons)

2. Question

What is natural population decline?

Natural increase can be positive or negative.

Negative growth is a natural population decline.

3. Question

What is a population explosion?

A demographic explosion is a sharp increase in population as a result of a decrease in mortality with a high birth rate.

4. Question

What is population reproduction?

Population reproduction is the constant renewal and change of generations of people due to the processes of fertility and mortality.

5. Question

What types of population reproduction exist?

Traditional type of reproduction and Modern type of reproduction.


Why did it become necessary to introduce the concept of “demographic explosion”?

The population explosion is a figurative designation for the rapid quantitative growth of the world population that began in the 1950s. From journalistic literature, the term “Demographic Explosion” has passed into modern scientific research, including works examining the concept of demographic transition. From the standpoint of this concept, a demographic explosion is a sharp acceleration of population growth due to the establishment of an intermediate type of reproduction of us. As a rule, during this period, the decrease in mortality significantly outpaces the decrease in the birth rate, which leads to an accelerated increase in the population, which may not be linked to the objective requirements of the socio-economic development of society

2. Question

“What is the main reason for such rapid population growth?” It lies in the peculiarities of the demographic situation in countries of the world, and especially in developing ones. The observed low labor productivity in agriculture (it is the main sector of the economy), communal ownership of land (the more people in a community, the larger its land allotment), as well as religious beliefs and traditions entail an increase in the birth rate, and therefore large families families.

However, if in the past high birth rates, so to speak, were “balanced” by high mortality (due to famine, disease and epidemics) and population growth was ultimately moderate, then after World War II, the achievements of modern civilization that came to developing countries entailed the exact opposite consequences and led to extremely rapid population growth due to high natural increase, which was called the “population explosion”, the main reason for the “population explosion” was the lack of effective birth control.

3. Question

What are the reasons for distinguishing different types of population reproduction?

In a broad sense, the term “population reproduction” includes the renewal and development of the composition of the population: by number, sex and age; community groups; nationalities, marital status; education, professional composition. In a narrower sense, population reproduction is the renewal of generations of people as a result of births and deaths.

According to the definition proposed in the encyclopedic dictionary “Population”, population reproduction is the constant renewal of the population as a result of the processes of fertility and mortality, and for certain regions, migration. In the ongoing processes of population reproduction, patterns emerged that were characterized by a certain set of conditions, which led to the identification of two main characteristics (types) of population reproduction.

4. Question

What are the differences between traditional and modern types of reproduction?

Traditional type of reproduction: high birth rate, relatively low death rate, high natural increase.

Modern type of reproduction: low birth rate, low death rate, low natural increase.

5. Question

What reasons influence the change in the type of population reproduction in the country?

The main reason for the change in the type of reproduction is the level of economic development and well-being of citizens, which determine: the level and duration of education (especially for women), the arrangement of personal and public life (career, social status), the late age of marriage, the planning of children and their number in family, under the influence of such factors, the traditional type of reproduction is replaced by a modern one.

6. Question

Each country in the world has its own demographic problems of a different nature and degree of complexity, determined by differences in the levels of economic, social and cultural development, the religious composition of the population and the history of the state. The demographic explosion is typical primarily for developing countries with low economic levels. The majority of newborns were born there; 60% of the new inhabitants of our planet were born in Asian countries,

7. Question

Why did the demographic explosion in the twentieth century occur in the 60s?

The “population explosion” began around the second half of the 20th century, when after the Second World War most of the former colonies became independent states and, with the help of international organizations, they made vigorous efforts to improve the lives of the population. Infant mortality has sharply decreased, and the general sanitary condition of the living environment of the population of these countries has improved (more complete provision of drinking water, medicines, hygiene products, etc.). Governments in Asia and Latin America, with the support of the UN Food and Agriculture Committee (FAO), have taken successful measures to increase agricultural productivity, dubbed the “green revolution.” The UN Committee on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Affairs (UNESCO) was establishing a system of children's education in developing countries. All this significantly weakened the factors causing mortality and led to a noticeable increase in the ecological capacity of the natural and social habitat of residents

8. Question

What is the name of the situation when the population of a country sharply declines?

The situation of a sharp decline in the country's population is called a demographic crisis.

A demographic crisis can lead to depopulation (extinction) of the country's population.


1. Task

2. Task

Determine the population of the territory if the rate of natural increase is 5‰, and the natural increase for the year was 60 thousand people.

To solve the problem we use the formula:

Where do we know the following indicators

Cap - 5‰, (or 5 people per 1000 inhabitants)

The value of natural increase is 60 thousand people. is the value of the difference (Р-С),

CN - population size = X (required value)

3. Task

Based on additional sources of information, make a list of historical events of the twentieth century that influenced the increase and decrease in the population of European countries.

Events of the twentieth century that influenced the increase and decrease in the population of European countries:

The First and Second World Wars. Demographic explosion of the 60s. The collapse of the Soviet Union - waves of emigration to Europe from the republics that made up the USSR.

The most important tool for long-term forecasting of socio-economic social development is planning and analysis population growth. This indicator is most often used to calculate the size of its labor resources, including the volume of needs for them.

When analyzing the state demographic situation, two main indicators are used:

  • Mechanical (migration) increase,
  • Natural growth.

Shows the difference between the number of deaths and births of people over the period of time under consideration.

For maximum data accuracy, statistics are used in calculations, which make it possible to track the slightest changes. Special statistical bodies constantly monitor birth and death rates, which have a documentary basis.

Population growth formula

Population growth is determined summing up two indicators:

  • The rate of natural increase, which is the difference between the birth rate and death rate for a certain period;
  • An indicator of migration growth, reflecting the difference between the number of people arriving in a certain territory and the number of people leaving during the period under review.

Population growth is the difference between the current level of the demographic situation and the level of an earlier period.

The unit of account can be a period of time of a long-term (from 5 to 100 years) and short-term (from several days to 3 - 5 years) nature.

Formula for natural population growth

Natural increase is the difference between births and deaths of citizens. Moreover, if the birth rate is higher than the death rate, then we can talk about expanded population reproduction. If the mortality rate is higher than the birth rate, then there is a demographic decline and narrowed population reproduction.

There is an absolute and relative formula for natural population growth.

Formula for natural population growth in absolute terms can be determined by subtracting the end and beginning of the period from the reproduction volume.

This formula looks like this:

EP = P – C

Here EP is natural increase,

P – number of people born,

C – number of dead people.

Relative assessment of natural increase is carried out by calculating coefficients. In this case, the absolute value is the total number of inhabitants. The formula for natural population growth in relative terms is calculated as the difference between born and deceased citizens over a certain period (that is, the absolute value of natural growth). This difference is then divided by the total population.

Potn. = Pubs. / CHN

Potn here. – relative indicator of natural population growth,

Pubs. – absolute indicator of population growth, calculated as the difference between people born and deaths),

PN – population size.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise At the beginning of the year, there were 50,000 thousand people in the state. At the same time, during the year the birth rate was 1,000 thousand people, and the death rate was 800 thousand people.

Determine the absolute and relative rate of population growth.

Solution The formula for natural population growth (in absolute value) will be the difference between births and deaths of citizens per year:

Pubs. = P – C

Pubs. = 1,000 – 800 = 200 thousand people

We calculate the relative population growth rate using the following formula:

Potn. = Pubs. / CHN

Potn. = 200 / 50,000 = 0.004 (that is, 0.4%)

Conclusion. We see that the natural increase amounted to 200 thousand people or 0.4% of the total population.

Answer Pubs. = 200 thousand people, P rel. = 0.4%