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Android Pay: how to use and what is it?
The date of the official launch in Russia of the payment service from Google - Android Pay happened on May 23, 2017! Owners of smartphones on the same name ...
Description of the Sberbank Momentum card - pros and cons
Credit cards are becoming increasingly popular in our country. And this is not surprising - getting a credit card is much easier than applying for ...
Sberbank Premier: travel insurance, Priority Pass card, premium cards
For those whose income is not limited to wages, Sberbank offers a range of services that allow you to profit from your own ...
Grace period on a Sberbank credit card - an example of use and how to calculate its end
At Sberbank, the grace period can be a maximum of 50 calendar days. That's how much you can avoid paying interest on using...
Rigla pharmacy bonus card from a liaison What is the validity period of bonuses
Any person makes purchases in pharmacies, someone buys vitamins in them, another needs medicines to treat diseases that are in acute ...
What is the validity period of the OMS policy of the old and new sample? New health insurance card
What are medical policies? The fact is that in Russia there is a system of medical insurance, both compulsory and ...
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